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5 Reasons Why People Choose Not To Drive In Lagos



5 Reasons Why People Choose Not To Drive In Lagos.

Driving in your own car offers somewhat comfort you may not be able to get in a public transport. You can always stop when you want to; you can halt to buy ‘bole‘ and groundnut conveniently.  Even when you’re pressed, you can find the best way to ease yourself. On the other hand, when you’re using public transportation, you will likely not enjoy these privileges; even if you do, you have to beg for it most times. That withstanding, some danfo drivers might decline your request.

However, there are some people who have chosen not to drive in their private cars; they rather would use public transportation. There are numerous reasons why some of them do so. By the time you’re done reading this write-up, you’ll know their reasons.

Below are 5 reasons why some people choose not to drive in Lagos

1. They don’t want to get stuck in traffic

This is one of the major reasons why most car owners in Lagos choose not to drive their cars. Getting stuck in a very dense traffic can be a nightmare for some people. The thought of spending several hours in traffic scare a lot of people from driving out with their cars. They believe they can at least find an alternative when stalk in traffic; they can take a bike or comfortably relax in the public transport.

There may not be any way of cutting short your stay in a traffic when you’re in your private car. You’ll just have to experience the whole thing live.

2. They are scared of the recklessness of danfo drivers

A good number of drivers detest the driving of danfo drivers in Lagos state; they can be reckless while driving.  Many Lagosians, especially ladies, do not like driving because of them.

3. Flooded roads

This is yet another reason why some people choose not to drive in Lagos. After heavy downpour, some roads are covered with pool of water and some people would not want to swim their car through. They would rather use motorcycles, tricycles and other means of transportation.

4. No money for fuel

It is not a crime not to have money for fuel. There are times when there is not enough money to buy fuel for your car. Those periods, most persons affected resort to public transportation because it is relatively affordable at the moment.

5. To avoid police embarrassment

Police embarrassment and brutality has become the order of the day. Some people who owns flashy cars but wouldn’t want any form of embarrassment from police usually park their car and use Uber or its like.
