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Iran Flaunts Its New Shahed-191 Strike Drone, Launches It From Toyota Tundra



Iran Flaunts Its New Shahed-191 Strike Drone, Launches It From Toyota Tundra - autojosh

Iran flaunts its new Shahed-191 Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) mounted on Toyota Tundra pickup truck.

The drone inspired by ‘seized’ US RQ-170 drone was seen taking off atop the US-made Toyota Tundra pickup truck.

Based on a US-made Lockheed Martin RQ-170 Sentinel UAV captured by Iran in 2011 and then reverse-engineered.

Shahed 191 has cruising speed of 300 km/h, fly for 4.5 hours, achieve max speeds of 350 km/h and carry a payload of 50 kg.

Iran on Monday March 13th released images of its new Shahed-191 strike drone on a new mobile launch platform installed on a Toyota Tundra pickup truck.

In one of the photos shared, the new variant of the RQ-170 Sentinel UAV-inspired ‘Shahed-191’ drone was seen taking off atop the US-made Toyota Tundra pickup truck.

Iran launches its new Shahed-191 Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) from a Toyota Tundra pickup truck.

Shahed-191, also known as Saegheh-2 (or “Thunderbolt” in English) is a turbofan/piston-powered flying wing Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle (UCAV) produced by Shahed Aviation Industries.

First flown in 2016, Saegheh-2 is based on a US-made Lockheed Martin RQ-170 Sentinel UAV that was captured by Iran in 2011 and then reverse-engineered. It is one of two Iranian UAVs based on the RQ-170, along with the Shahed 171 Simorgh.

According to reports, Shahed 191 can travel 1500 kilometers, carry two bombs with a combined weight of 100 kilograms, fly for 4.5 hours at an altitude of 7.5 kilometers, and achieve speeds of 350 kilometers per hour, a

The Shahed 191 has a cruising speed of 300 km/h, fly for 4.5 hours and can achieve maximum speeds of 350 kilometers per hour. It has maximum takeoff weight of 500 kg (1,102 lb) and can carry a payload of 50 kg (110 lb).

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