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NEVS InMotion Concept To Get Level 5 Autonomous Driving (Photos)



nevs inmotion concept

Currently, the in-thing is stylish and futuristically designed autonomous cars. All those Jetsons and Minority Report cars are now coming to reality.

This is evidenced by the Level 5 Autonomous car that was recently unveiled by Nevs at CES Asia. It is called NEVS InMotion Concept.

It is a futuristic electric vehicle with large glass doors and enclosed wheels. The exterior is captivating and the interior is spacious and highly flexible.

The car has three different seating configurations including private, social, and meeting… Amazing.. Isn’t it? Another pretty thing is, you can control the car with an app which allows you to adjust the seats, change the ambient lighting, and tweak the climate control system.

See Related Post: Volvo Unveils Autonomous Garbage Truck (Kolekole) – Photo & Video

According to the Vice President Sales and Marketing of NEVS, (Jonas Hernqvist), “This design is starting from an interior perspective, with the intention of showing how people can add quality to their lives by filling the time of traveling with value, and not wasting it by being stuck behind the wheel, sometimes for hours just to get across the downtown areas.”

See more photos below..


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