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New York City Firefighters Breaks A Car’s Windows To Pass A Hose After A Driver Blocked A Fire Hydrant



New York City Firefighters Breaks A Car’s Windows To Pass A Hose After A Driver Blocked A Fire Hydrant - autojosh

New York City firefighters breaks a gray Honda car’s windows to pass a hose after a driver blocked a fire hydrant.

To access the fire hydrant, firefighters broke the front passenger windows to snake the hose through it.

This wasn’t the first time the driver has blocked a fire hydrant. He has reportedly racked up 33 fire hydrant violations in 2 years.

The unidentified driver also owes $12,000 in fines, according to the caption of video on FDNY Response Videos.

Firefighters in New York City has taught an offending driver an expensive lesson after smashing their car’s window to get access to a blocked fire hydrant while responding to the call of a residential fire.

The incident happened after members of the Fire Department of the City of New York (FDNY) met a car parked directly in front of the fire hydrant while responding to a multi-alarm fire in the Bronx on June 20, 2024.

A video taken at the scene of the monstrous blaze which was posted by FDNY Response Videos showed two firefighters breaking through the front windows of a gray Honda sedan to attach a hose to a hydrant.

While four people were injured in the fire, the massive blaze consumed a Dunkin’ Donuts, a fabric store, a Chinese restaurant, furniture store and a 99 cent store, according to FDNY.

But this wasn’t the first time the unidentified owner of the car has blocked a fire hydrant, who has reportedly racked up 33 fire hydrant violations in two years plus $12,000 in fines, according to the caption of video on FDNY Response Videos.

It is illegal to park within 15ft on either side of a fire hydrant in New York City. According to The Law Office of Craig Bondy, the standard fine for parking too close to a fire hydrant in the Big Apple is around $115, along with the chance of the vehicle being towed.

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