Final Lamborghini Aventador Ultimae, an exclusive Ad Personam Roadster, pays homage to the unique Miura Roadster show car. One-off Miura Roadster show car was unveiled at...
Three Lamborghini Aventador Ultimae sports cars finished in three different shades of Green – Verde Hermes, Verde Turbine and Verde Citrea. Verde Hermes, Verde Turbine and...
Discontinued Lamborghini Aventador Ultimae going back into production to replace the 15 lost during sinking of cargo ship. The 15 Aventador Ultimae were amongst nearly 4,000...
The all-new Lamborghini Aventador LP 780-4 Ultimae is the final variant of the Raging Bull’s flagship sports car. Just 350 coupé models and 250 roadster versions...