After paying for the service, GPS will be installed in the car to allow Police to know whether the car has moved or not.
When the car is moved, smart system turns from green to red light, sending notification to alert Dubai Police.
Dubai is renowned for its Police smart impound system which allows motorists to keep their impounded vehicles at home instead of police-designated impound yards.
So instead of storing it in a government-designated locations, which may likely allow it to gather dust, owners are allowed to pay a fee of Dh420 (₦47,000) to store them at their own home or in their parking lot.
Impounded vehicles gathering dusts at a police-designated area in Al Ghusais, Dubai
Brigadier Saif Muhair Al Mazroui, director of the Traffic Department at Dubai Police, said the system has allowed motorists “to keep their impounded vehicles at home instead of having them taken to police-designated impound yards”.
According to Traffic Department boss, a total of 6,775 vehicles used the smart impound system in Dubai last year.
“The smart system allows motorists to impound their cars at their own villa or in their own parking lot. Motorists have the other two options which are to impound their vehicles at Dubai Police or the paying impounding fees,”
Dubai allows motorists to store impounded cars at home or parking lot for just N47,000
How To Keep Your Impounded Car At Home In Dubai
After paying for the smart impound service, GPS will be installed in the car to allow the Police to know whether the car has moved or not.
When the car is moved, smart system turns from green to red light, sending notification to alert Dubai Police.
Saif Muhair Al Mazroui explained:
“After a motorist registers a request to use the smart impound, a team of technicians is sent to the vehicle’s location and a small device is fitted to the car with GPS (global positioning system) technology that will enable the Police to know whether the car has moved or not. The car will be visible on a map in the command room and the device will send a notification if it moves.”
Brig Al Mazroui added that :
“The motorist will be notifying with text message that he violated the smart impound roles and will impose a traffic fine before impounding the vehicle at Dubai Police”