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How To Prevent A Windscreen Crack From Spreading



If a chip or crack in your windshield is not repaired promptly, it can grow larger.

Here, I will walk you through a tried-and-true method for preventing the spread of a crack or chip in a windscreen.

And, guess what, the material used in the process is quite common; you may already have one. Nail polish.

Yes. The standard nail polish. However, the clear type. Not the coloured ones.

Clear nail polish can be used to prevent windscreen cracks or chips from spreading.

When applied, it fills the nooks and crannies of your small windshield chips and cracks and, once dry, helps to seal and protect it from the cold and elements that cause further cracking!

Remember to clean the damaged area of your windscreen with soap and water before applying the nail polish. This prevents dirt specks from becoming trapped in the crack after you have applied the nail polish.

After that has dried, simply apply a thin layer of clear nail polish to the nails.

Please keep in mind that this method is not recommended for large windscreen cracks. Instead, consult with a professional windscreen repair technician, or have your windscreens replaced if they are severely damaged.

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