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How To Survive If Your Vehicle Is Sinking Into A River Or Sea



Water crash

There was a recent accident where a vehicle plunged into a river and led to loss of lives. As much as no one prays to be in such a situation, it’s good to be ready in the event that such happens.

Let’s learn how we can survive a situation where a vehicle is sinking into a river or sea, or any large body of water.

1.Learn how to swim, it should be a basic skill, your life might depend on it one day. Prepare for it !.

2.When the car is thrown into the air , moving towards the body of water, brace for impact. Hold on to something. Your steering wheel would suffice, hold it at the 9 o’clock and 3 o’clock positions.

3.Bear in mind that every second counts to ensure you come out alive .I am tempted to tell you to remain calm, but the truth is you just have to try to remain calm in that situation, no matter how hard it is . According to experts, panic is one of the major reasons why people drown because they can’t think straight.

4.The first thing you should do is, put your phone in your pocket immediately the vehicle lands in the water, unbuckle your seatbelt roll down the windows and crawl out through the windows and swim to safety. ATTEMPT TO OPEN THE DOOR JUST ONCE. IF IT DOESN’T OPEN FORGET IT AND FOCUS ON THE WINDOWS, IT WON’T OPEN BECAUSE OF THE PRESSURE, AND IT WOULD FURTHER WASTE YOUR TIME, ENERGY AND OXYGEN, WHICH YOU REALLY NEED. REMEMBER EVERY SECOND COUNTS

5.If the window refused to open/roll down , the next step is to break it. Get a hard sharp object and break the edges/ the corners of the window, those are the weakest points .If you don’t have any sharp object, remove the head rest of your seat and use the metal part to break the four corners of the windows. If you can’t get any object, you would have to use your elbow or fist to break it.

6.If you have kids in the car, make sure they go out before you do.Make sure you hold them tight, the water current might be too strong for them.

7.If you can’t exit  through the window for some reasons, wait for the car to fill up with water, then open the door, the pressure would have balanced. Once you open the door, you should see bubbles, swim in the direction of the bubbles.

8.As soon as you are out, you might still be able to use your phone to place a call to emergency lines, 112 and 767

Stay safe
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