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“Cars Are Parked At Owners Risk” – Who Is Responsible For Stolen/Damaged Cars



“Cars are parked at owners risk”, a parking disclaimer sign – Who is responsible for stolen/damaged cars.

Notice sign used by managers of facilities to warn car owners that they won’t be held liable for any damage or car theft.

You most likely have come across the inscription “Cars Are Parked At Owner’s Risk” in parking spaces and areas where cars are parked in public and private properties, including hotels, malls as well as banks.

This notice sign is used by owners and managers of such facilities to warn car owners that they won’t be held liable or say legally responsible for any car damage or car theft whilst parked in the area in which it is displayed.

Notwithstanding the parking disclaimer signs, some organisations still have their parking lots fitted with Closed-circuit Television (CCTV) cameras for enhanced security coverage of their premises. But this can only be used trace car thefts and not damages done by natural disasters.

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