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African Association Of Automotive Manufacturers Visits IVM Plant, Witnessed Firsthand Vehicle Production Process



African Association Of Automotive Manufacturers Visits IVM Plant, Witnessed Firsthand Vehicle Production Process - autojosh

African Association of Automotive Manufacturers (AAAM), NADDC visits Innoson Vehicles plant in Nnewi.

During the visit, AAAM had the opportunity to witness firsthand vehicle production process from design to assembly.

AAAM Director General commended Innoson Vehicles for its unwavering support of local manufacturing.

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Innoson Vehicles Manufacturing (IVM) on Tuesday August 20th 2024 hosted the African Association of Automotive Manufacturers (AAAM) at its state-of-the-art manufacturing plant in Nnewi, Anambra State.

During the visit to IVM plant, the group, led by Mr. Oluwamimo Joseph Osanipin, the Director General of the National Automotive Design and Development Council (NADDC), witnessed firsthand vehicle production process from design to assembly.

African Association Of Automotive Manufacturers Visits IVM Plant, Witnessed Firsthand Vehicle Production Process - autojosh

“They were impressed by the utilization of advanced quality methodologies and cutting-edge technologies employed at Innoson Vehicles,” the leading automotive manufacturer in Nigeria said in a statement.

Speaking during the visit, Mr. David Coffey, the Director General of AAAM, who led the delegation from South Africa, commended Innoson for its unwavering support of local manufacturing and its contribution to the growth of the African automotive industry.

In his remarks, the Director General of the NADDC urged the representatives from various automobile associations to explore potential areas of collaboration, technology transfer, and capacity-building programs with Innoson Vehicles.

In response, Chief Dr. Innocent Chukwuma, the CEO of Innoson, expressed his eagerness to forge collaborations with manufacturers in neighboring countries, with the aim of strengthening the African automobile industry and increasing the companies continental auto market share.

“As we reflect on this successful visit, Innoson Vehicles is excited to have strengthened our partnerships within the African automotive industry and looks forward to a future of increased collaboration, innovation, and growth”.

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