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Alphanumeric Codes On Ogun State License Plate Numbers And Their Meaning



Alphanumeric Codes On Ogun State License Plate Numbers And Their Meaning - autojosh

What the Alphanumeric (consisting of both letters and numerals) codes on Ogun State License Plates stands for. 

The unique number plate combination used by Private and Commercial vehicles is in the format ABC-123DE. 

The first three letters (ABC) indicates the Local Government Area (LGA) where the vehicle is registered.

Vehicle Registration Plates (license plate number) issued to both private and commercial vehicles in Ogun State have the name and the unique slogan of the State, “The Gateway State”, displayed at the top centre of the plate.

Like any other plates issued across the country, the unique plate combination is in the format ABC-123DE, with the first three letters (ABC) indicating the Local Government Area (LGA) or Licensing Office where the vehicle is registered.

The following are the first three letters on Ogun State plate numbers and the Local Government Areas (LGA)  in which they were registered.

AAB = Abeokuta South (Ake Abeokuta)

ABG = Ogun Waterside (Abigi)

GBE = Ijebu East (Ogbere)

SGM = Sagamu

JGB = Ijebu North (Ijebu Igbo)

AKM = Abeokuta North (Akomoje)

AYE = Egbado North (Aiyetoro)

DED = Odeda

DGB = Odogbolu

FFF = Ifo

TTN = Ijebu North East

JBD = Ijebu Ode

JGB = Ijebu North

TTD = Ado Odo/Ota

WDE = Obafemi Owede

KNN = Ikenne

SRA = Remo North

MEK = Imeko Afon

PKA = Ipokia

TRE = Ewekoro


In addition to the first three letters, which indicates the Local Government Areas (LGA) in which they were registered, the next three digits on the number plates are numbers while the last two letters are used for numbering.

Like other plates issued across the Nation, license plates generally have white background while the color of the numbers varies by vehicle type. Numbers is imprinted in blue for Private vehicles while Commercial vehicles like Danfo buses use red.
