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AMG Will Not Give Up On The 4.0-litre V8 biturbo Engine Anytime Soon



Information has arrived from AMG that their famous 4.0-litre V8 biturbo engine will remain in the story much longer than expected, but there is no hope that it will again be found under the front cover of the most powerful versions of the C and E-Class.

Due to the obvious decrease in demand for electric cars, Mercedes also redacted earlier plans on the subject of complete electrification of their models and then announced that they had prepared a lot of money to be invested in the development of internal combustion engines assisted by hybrid systems.

Claiming that after initial resistance, potential buyers are increasingly accepting the fact that the current C63 model is no longer powered by the famous 4.0-litre biturbo V8 engine, which has been replaced by a two-litre four-cylinder option (M139) with a plug-in hybrid system, the decision of the Mercedes management on the topic of engines with internal combustion also supports the AMG department headed by Michael Schiebe.

In a new statement to the media, Schiebe said that the rumours about the return of the mentioned V8 engine in the most powerful C and E-Class models are not true, but he also confirmed that the famous 4.0-litre biturbo V8 (M177) will remain in the offer for certain AMG models—and significantly longer than expected—because full electrification is expected only after 2035.

Until then, in addition to the thunderous 4.0-litre V8 engine that is expected in the new CLE model and the long-disputed progressive four-cylinder plug-in option (680 hp), AMG also has an excellent plug-in combination in which the main role belongs to the regular three-litre gasoline biturbo engine with six cylinders, and it is available with several Mercedes models, including the current E-Class.

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