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Audi Group Delivered 1.4 Million Audi, Lamborghini And Bentley Vehicles Betw Jan And Sept. 2023 



Audi Group Delivered 1.4 Million Audi, Lamborghini And Bentley Vehicles Betw Jan And Sept. 2023 - autojosh

Between Jan and Sept, Audi Group delivered around 1,405,000 Audi, Lamborghini, and Bentley vehicles around the world.

Revenue rose by 13 percent to €50.4 billion in the first nine months, while the operating profit was €4.6 billion.

From January to September 2023, Audi and Lamborghini brand delivered 1,387,036 and 7,744 cars respectively.

In the first three quarters of the year, Bentley Motors and Ducati delivered 10,053 cars and motorcycles respectively.

The Audi Group, which comprises of Audi, Bentley Motors, Lamborghini and Ducati brands, has announced a 16 percent increase in deliveries in the first nine months of the year, following up on a strong first half of the year.

Between January and September, the Audi Group delivered around 1,405,000 Audi, Lamborghini, and Bentley vehicles to customers around the world, compared to the 1,212,275 units delivered in the same period last year.

Thanks to strong deliveries, Audi Group’s revenue after three quarters rose by 13.1 percent to €50.4 billion while its operating profit reached €4.6 billion (€6,250 million), a decrease mainly due to negative effects of raw material, according to the brand.

“After the third quarter, Audi remains on a strong financial footing and can largely confirm its forecast for the full year,” says Audi Chief Financial Officer Jürgen Rittersberger.

“Despite a wide range of challenges, we were able to achieve double-digit growth in revenue and are within our target corridor for the operating margin.”

From January to September 2023, the brand with the four rings delivered 1,387,000 Audi vehicles (16 percent). In the first three quarters, delivered more than 123,000 electric vehicles (+60%) with the Q4 e-tron (+162 percent) accounted for a significant share of the growth.

In the first three quarters of the year, Lamborghini delivered 7,744 cars to customers for a growth of 4.2 percent. It sales grew by 5.2 percent to €2,026 million and operating profit by 8.4 percent to €618 (2022: 570) million.

Bentley also delivered 10,053 vehicles from January to September, which is lower than the 11,316 units delivered during the same period in 2022. Sales reached €2,309 million while it operating profit was €506 (2022: 575) million.

Ducati, another another brand under the Audi Group, delivered 47,867 (2022: 49,858) motorcycles in the first nine months of the year. Sales increased slightly to €877 (2022: 872) million and operating profit rose by 28.1 percent to a strong €140 million.

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