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Autojosh Car Quiz Section Edition 1



Autojosh car quiz

Few days ago, we made an announcement about Autojosh Car Quiz Section. In case you don’t know what it’s all about, kindly go and read it up here.

We are pleased to inform you that the first edition of the quiz will kick off today. Remember, it would always come in various formats as we said in our previous post.

Kindly use the comment section to state your answers sequentially.

After each quiz, we will make a post on that edition of the quiz to answer all the questions asked. We won’t give you just the answers, there would be comprehensive explanation for each answer.

Don’t forget to stick around and kindly share with your friends.



1. What is the name of these tiny horizontal wires you see placed at your rear /back windshield?



2. Can you recognize this important part of the air conditioning system? What’s the name?


3. What is the name of this car safety feature the red arrow is pointing to?



4. What is the name of this thing that hung underneath directly behind the wheels of vehicles?



5. What is the name of this massive box found in the trunk of some cars?


That’s all for the Autojosh Car Quiz Edition 1.

Share with your friends.



  1. Ajibola Olayori

    August 21, 2018 at 23:11


    1. Rear window defrosters
    2. Compressor-it compresses the refrigerant that is used to sucknupnthe heat from inside the car.
    3.The child lock-used to lock the door especially if their is a child sitting at the back to prevent unwarranted opening of the door especially during movement.
    4. A mudflap
    5. A sub woofer-to boost the sound system of the car.

    • Nwogbunyama Emeka

      August 23, 2018 at 05:26

      Your answers are perfect. You’re good in car related stuffs.
      Because of you, the next quiz won’t be as easy as this…lol
      Stick around, Olayori

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