How To Buy And Sell Cars, Phones, Real Estate etc On
Any business without reach will suffer low patronage and that’s very bad, if care is not taken, the business might fold.
In a world where businesses are being transacted online, every business owner will always need a platform with enough reach to advertise and that’s the reason was built.
The website as the name implies was designed to bring buyers and sellers together in one place so that business can be transacted easily without stress. Business owners have been taking the advantage of advertising on the website for free and they all have good stories to tell.
Sellatease Nigerian online marketplace is a multi-niche free classified website where you can advertise variety of products ranging from cars, real estates, properties, spare parts, laptops, electronics, private jets, etc for free.
How can I advertise on Sellatease Nigerian Marketplace for free?
Creating account on is the simplest thing ever.
1. Go to Nigerian online marketplace.
2. Click on Create an account.
3. Fill in the required details (Name, Email, phone number) in the spaces given.
4. Click on create an account.
Your account is now active and you can start selling for free.
To publish an ad on the website
1. Click on Publish your ad.
2. Fill in the required details
3. Click on publish ads and it will go live automatically.
For buyers, how can I buy a car from a seller?
1. Click on the advert.
2. Copy the phone number attached and give the dealer a call.
We also market your products to thousands of visitors on our platform as well as rank your items higher on Google for better visibility and increased sales.
Frequently asked questions?
Can my product be featured on Sellatease Blog?
Yes, your products can be featured in our blog. Note: this is a premium package.
What’s the cost of advertising on the website?
Advertising on Sellatease is 100% free, No hidden charges.
What are you waiting for? Start advertising and start selling today.