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How To Maintain A Car That Will Be Parked For A Long Period



If you are traveling and need to park your car until you return from your trip, here are some maintenance tips to help keep your car in good condition.

This will also be useful to those who own more than one car and want to park one of them because they rarely use it.

Do Not Use The Hand Brake

Don’t use the hand brake on a car you won’t be driving for a while. This is due to the possibility of the brake pads becoming stuck, which will cost you money when you are ready to drive the car. Instead, use wheel chocks, also known as wedges, to keep your car from rolling.


Fill Up The Fuel Tank

One of the issues you will face after parking your car for an extended period of time is a leaking fuel tank caused by rusting in the tank. However, you can avoid this scenario by filling up your petrol tank before parking your car.

Service The Engine

It is preferable to service your car engine before leaving it parked for an extended period of time. It’s also a good idea to remove the car’s battery, especially if you won’t be around for long.


Park the Car In a Shade

While traveling, it is best if you park your car in a garage. If you don’t have a garage, you could just as well park it in the shade. You could use a car cover to protect it. This will protect the car from harsh weather conditions, dust, and even prevent children from scratching it.

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