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10 Tips To Prevent A Pot Hole Disaster



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Pot holes vary in sizes ,but no matter how small they can be lethal and life threatening .

Today I would be giving you 10 tips on how to prevent a disaster .Lets Go !


Before you embark on any journey always make sure your tires are properly inflated and have the right amount of pressure .


Always keep a safe distance from the car in front of you especially Danfo buses,this would give you some time to observe if there is any pot hole ahead,thereby giving you enough time to avoid it.


Always drive at a safe speed ,its easier to maneuver and avoid pot holes when you are not over-speeding .In the event when you can’t avoid the effect wont be lethal if you drive at a safe speed.


Seriously stay focused on driving already , that call and email can wait.


Be extra careful when driving into water filled pot holes .The water can hide the true depth of the hole.


Make sure your two hands are on the steering wheel, most preferably at the 9 o’clock and 3 o’clock  position.It helps give you are better grip and control in the event of a pot hole evasion or impact.


Do not swerve violently to avoid a pot hole ,especially when you are running away from the Men In Black .


When driving at night always make use of full head lights so you can see way ahead of you,and brace for impact or evasion.


If you have to evade a pot hole make sure no other vehicle is trying to overtake you, also make sure there are no oncoming vehicles .


Slow down if you must drive through a pothole but also make sure you get off the brakes just before encountering the pothole. This will reduce the load on the suspension and the impact force and also a possible mishap .

I hope you enjoyed this guys , don’t forget to comment ,and share.






  1. Tosin

    January 11, 2017 at 13:41

    Nice1… I love this…

    • AutoJosh

      January 11, 2017 at 13:56


  2. Queen D

    January 11, 2017 at 18:00

    Number 7 is very important….Nice tips.

    • AutoJosh

      January 11, 2017 at 21:20

      More to come on AutoJosh

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