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2017 Chevrolet Silverado 1500: A Silver Lining In The Cloud Of Pickups




The dynamic taste of humans is recognisable in the age-old tentative preference for certain goods, which in time gets forgone for other ones. This current flows in the automobile space with the increasing penchant for pickup vehicles. Unlike the past with the SUVs, salon cars, buses rampant on the road, pickups are really picking up in terms of subscription.

Its distinctness in capability and strength often make it the obvious choice in carrying out load-laden tasks. As usual, in every many, there is the one that is out-there-standing, getting the ovation and exponential recommendation. The 2017 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 is the pickup of the moment, emitting an infectious optimism with respect to functionality. The pen behind this piece contracted it and you would too as you journey down to the end.

In this part of the world, Toyota Tundra pickup seems to be the stock in trade but it is pertinent to say “we aint seen nothing yet.” The 2017 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 is a beauty to behold, an example of what a pickup should be. Its exterior was crafted with optimal function and elegance in mind.

The rectangular, muscular front view with led lights seem to contend “I can assist you in that work.” The wheel as well as tires are made to withstand load and rough surfaces. This pickup has a 6.2 litre V8 engine that produces 420 horsepower. Additionally, it has an in-built fuel economy mechanism that reduces fuel consumption by the vehicle.

More so, the interior is somewhat heavenly as the neatly-sewn seats and steering area reflect digitalization. It has a 4G LTE Wifi that can accommodate up to seven devices and an “infotainment” system to dream of. In it is a basic alert system that can automatically call for aid from relevant authorities when activated, in the event of the unexpected.

2017 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 also embodies a speed control and driving-lane alignment component to ensure safety on the road. Impressively, this vehicle has a maximum towing capacity of 12, 500 lbs. And this is not unrelated to its award as the Highest Ranked Large Light Duty Pickup of Initial Quality for two years consecutively by J.D. Power. This pickup comes with an asking price within the range of $30,000 (N15m) to $64,000 (N32m).

Humans’ whim as regards commodities informed the successful attempts to flood them with multiple options. Rising interest in pickups has motivated automotive companies to raise the bar in design and production. The 2017 Chevrolet Silverado 1500’s utility cannot be overemphasized, as it can be employed for cruising, towing, and load-carrying.

The artistic touch to it gives the pickup an exotic, self-assertive appearance. Its high safety control and engine capability highlights hope for the pickup genre. Implied by its name, it is truly a silver that car enthusiasts and buyers would want to possess.


Kaycee Naze

(Rational Pen)


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1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Queen D

    February 15, 2017 at 08:12

    Pickup of the moment indeed.

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