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8 Quick Car Hacks You Should Know



Lets have some quick hacks ! .

1.Block Hole Or Crack In Tank

When faced with a leaking or cracked fuel tank,you can temporarily block the leakage with a chewing gum.Please patronize your nearest aboki  and give it a proper fix as soon as you can .


2.Quick Fix For Scratches

Have a scratch on the body of your car ,or on the glass ?.Use a nail polish to make amendments,please make sure you ask your wife or sister for permission first I don’t want wahala .

3.Fixing Small Dents

So that Danfo driver dented your car slightly ?.Head over to your toilet and get the plunger to fix it ! .

4.Cleaning Headlights

Have foggy or dirty headlights ? .

Make your headlights shine again ,by making use of toothpaste .

5.Getting Rid Of Bad Odors

Take that foul smell out of your car,by making use of charcoal or silica gel .This substances are good for absorbing moisture,one of the major causes of foul smells in cars.

6.Boost Your Car Remote Range

Trying to unlock or lock your car from quite some distance ?.According to experts you can improve the signal by holding the remote close to your head.It works because of the fluids in your head,even though they are poor conductors,they still help boost signal .

7.How To Know Location of Fuel Tank

So you just got a new car or borrowed someone’s,and you are trying to figure out the location of the fuel tank.On your fuel gauge there is usually an arrow ,whichever direction it points tells you where the tank is .If the arrow isn’t present just take note where the fuel gauge is on the dashboard, that is -left or right .

8.Cool Car Down In Hot Weather

You can cool your car fast without AC easily, after packing in the sun for a long time .All you have to do is roll down one of the windows ,head over to the other side of the car and close and open the door like 7 times,this should cool the inside of the car pretty fast.

Know a hack you would like to add ?,kindly comment .

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