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Tips To Help Avoid Driving Tired




Driving tired is very dangerous especially when you are driving at night. Drowsy driving is suspected to be a primary cause in more than 20% of road fatalities. Most fatigue-related accidents occur during normal sleeping hours, and the more severe the crash, the more likely it is that the driver or drivers were fatigued.

When a person becomes drowsy or sleepy, it effects many things about their body. First, it effects reaction time which is important when you’re driving because you need to be able to stay alert with what all the cars around you are doing.

Second, it effects your attention span and the ability to process information, which are both really important things you need to be aware of when driving.

Lastly, it simply slows your brain down. When your brain slows down, so does every other function of the body. This means things like making quick decisions and   even having time to think about what turn you’re going to take next. Since the effects of driving drowsy are similar to the ones of driving drunk, it’s hard for scientists to really decide which is worse.

Below are tips to avoid driving tired

  1. Get a good night’s sleep
  2. Avoid driving at night when your body will naturally want to sleep
  3. Arrange to share the driving
  4. Avoid long drives after work
  5. Plan to take regular breaks from driving
  6. Catch a cab or public transport instead
  7. Ask someone for a lift
  8. Find out if any medicine you are taking may affect your driving.

Credits: NaijCarLovers

