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Reno Omokri Blasts Federal Govt Over Convoy Of More Than 59 Cars Worth ₦1 Billion (Video)



reno omokiri

Bemigho Reno Omokri is an ex-aide to ex-President Goodluck Jonathan. He’s also an author, writer and the host of Transformation with Reno Omokri, a Christian teaching TV show broadcast on San Francisco’s KTLN and Detroit’s Impact Network.

Reno Omokri on Instagram just uploaded a video of the presidential convoy which he claimed consists of over 59 cars. He stated the monetary value of the convoy is more than ₦1 Billion.

He went further to state why that much convoy isn’t suitable for Nigeria which is a nation regarded to be the World headquarters for extreme poverty. He suggested that the money used to acquire and maintain such convoy could have been channeled into education.

Read his caption on Instagram below;

WATCH and SHARE‬ ‪There are at least 59 cars in this convoy in Nigeria, a nation that is the WORLD HEADQUARTERS FOR EXTREME POVERTY.‬ ‪The total value of this convoy (₦ 1 Billion) can build 20 brand new schools. Yet, the Buhari government has NOT built even ONE school. Meanwhile NORTHERN NIGERIA has 10 million out of school children. Don’t forget that this is the same administration that wants to increase VAT.‬ ‪#AConvoyThatCanEducateMillions

See some photos below;

Watch the video below;


