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Find Out What It Really Means To Bleed Your Car Brakes



brake bleeding

Have you ever heard of the term “Brake Bleeding” and have been wondering what on earth it means?

To some, it may sounds like a medical procedure, and to some other, they entirely have no idea of what it means. Don’t be surprised that some still haven’t heard of such. In case you’re in any of these categories, worry no further because Autojosh has your back as usual. You’ll be cleared of all you need to know when you’re done reading this write-up.

Bleeding the brakes is the procedure performed on hydraulic brake systems whereby the brake lines (the pipes and hoses containing the brake fluid) are purged of any air bubbles. In a simpler term, it is a common maintenance procedure done on your hydraulic car brakes to remove bubble so that your brakes can operate safely and effectively.

Bleeding the brakes falls under the routine maintenance category, and should be performed over the life of a vehicle. Most experts recommend bleeding your brakes every 2 to 3 years to keep them in topnotch condition.

Bleeding the brake system of your car is very necessary because the presence of bubbles in the brake system reduces the hydraulic pressure developed within the system. This in turn will reduce the effectiveness of your brake. Using the usual Nigerian statement, your brakes ‘won’t catch‘ as it should.

How to bleed brake pedals

Bleeding your car brake line isn’t a child’s play and it’s advised you leave it to be handled by professionals. But below is a rundown of what professionals do when the bleed your brakes.

  1. The brake bleed screw behind each brake is loosened and then tightened again, but not super tight. Special bleeder wrenches are required to loosen these screws.
  2. A flexible rubber hose will be placed over the end of the bleeder screw and the other end of the hose will be put in a jar. The jar will be filled with brake fluid to cover the end of the hose.
  3. A second person will pump the brake pedal a few times and then hold the brake pedal down while the bleeder screw is opened again.
  4. Brake fluid will squirt out and air bubbles will be visible in the fluid. While the brake pedal is still depressed the bleeder screws will be re-tightened. The brake pedal will now be released.
  5. This process will be repeated until no air bubbles are visible in the fluid. The entire process will then be repeated on each wheel.

When last did you bleed your brakes?

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