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China Built A 157 Km, Four-Lane Highway With Minimal Human Assistant



China has completed a 157.79-kilometre-long, four-lane highway with minimal human intervention. This expressway is an extension of the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macau Expressway, connecting Beijing to Hebei.

The project was completed in October, and 10 autonomous vehicles (without drivers) were used to pave and level the 19.25-meter-wide road. Even supervision was not left to the people on the ground. Drones inspected the development of the works to ensure that all established parameters were met.

The Chinese say this approach has improved the accuracy and quality of construction and significantly reduced labour time and associated costs. The negative aspect of the whole process is that people have one less job (or section) to do.

In the formation called 1+3+3+3, the autonomous machines were supervised by collaborators, but in several environments, the time savings achieved are valued, since the development of specific algorithms for the new road, built without human help, allowed work with millimetric prediction and greater speed than using human personnel.

However, the published information does not state how many workers were sidelined or how much time and money was saved. Such precision allowed the entire runway to be paved in a single pass, without the need for smaller rollers to correct deviations.

Using technology, the machinery has operated with such precision that it is no longer necessary to review the spaces that were once built. This is what they call the zero edge because there is no substantial separation between the machine and the curb, where the width of the road ends.

