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Pilot Successfully Lands Faulty Plane Without Front Wheels (Photos)



plane landed without front wheels by pilot

It is very rare for a pilot to successfully land a plane without front wheels. The story of a pilot in Myanmar has been flying around and he’s being applauded and hailed as a hero for landing a plane without front wheels.

He landed the plane on Sunday with just the rear wheels after the passenger plane’s landing gear failed.

Myanmar Airlines Flight 103 was traveling to Mandalay from Yangon when the pilot became aware of the problem.

plane landed without front wheels by pilot

In a statement, the airline said pilot Captain Myat Moe Aung “followed emergency procedures and did the fuel burn out to reduce the landing weight,” before bringing the jet down onto its rear wheels, lowering the nose carefully onto the runway on which it skidded for about 25 seconds before stopping.

The airline also confirmed there were no casualties.

Following the incident, emergency vehicles surrounded the plane as it rested on its nose on the tarmac.

“The pilot did a great job,” Win Khant, Myanmar’s transport minister, told Reuters.


Emeka is a Contributor at Autojosh. A graduate of Electrical/Electronic Engineering with a B.Eng degree. Emeka is a car enthusiast who is interested in traveling, writing, movies and driving. He also loves drinking garri with cold water.
