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6 Reasons You Should Not Argue With Road Officials



There is this paranoia that engulfs some of us when stopped at checkpoints. Some are able to manage the anger while others explode at the slightest spark.

These unexpected stops are definitely frustrating.. However, it is better to be courteous and ensure the situation does not get out of control except you feel your life is in danger.

Always remember these 6 points before you get into an argument with road officials:


They Have The Whole Time To Waste:

Remember that your time is money.. some of us even make the mistake of yelling at them that we are in a haste. Trust me, you will grow bear! bear!! (beards) at that checkpoint. Diplomacy and respect usually resolve issues faster.

It Can Damage Your Public Profile

With this era of smartphone and twitter journalists, you will just see a photo or video of yourself fighting at Oshodi trending online..

It Might Hunt You In Future:

Don’t be surprised that someone is making documentaries of all your street combos today.. You will only find out when you are this close to becoming a Senator.

They Have The Law To Back Them Up:

There are several laws in the books which remain unknown to us. These laws will be used against you when push comes to shove.. and the sad part is you cannot claim ignorance because “ignorance of the law is not an excuse”


They Will Twist The Fact To Favour Themselves:

If you are a young guy that drives a nice car, they may say you are an internet fraudster. If they shoot someone accidentally, they will say he/she was an armed robber.


Do It For God:

Don’t forget, “A hot-tempered person stirs up conflict, but the one who is patient calms a quarrel”.


Add yours and let’s know if you usually give them hot or cold..



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  1. john

    March 28, 2017 at 14:47

    Very wells said josh. its best to let these guy on the road have their wy sometimes provided your vehicle documents are well validated. cheers and well done. please kindly visit my site and give your candid views.

    • AutoJosh

      April 7, 2017 at 19:08

      Thanks for the comment.. Sure I will

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