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Study Shows That Drivers With The Fastest Reflexes Prefer These Two Brands



A driver’s ability to react quickly and accurately to an unforeseen road event can make the difference between a crash and avoiding a crash. Therefore, a study was prepared in which an attempt was made to answer the question – whether drivers of certain brands have better reflexes compared to drivers of other brands of cars.

Reaction time is, in fact, the time that passes from the moment the driver perceives an unforeseen event to the moment he reacts to it. It is not an immediate process: the average reaction time ranges from half a second to one second, and these figures are influenced by various factors.

The study conducted a virtual test on a sample of 2,000 drivers that simulated emergency braking. Although aware that this method cannot reproduce the actual driving conditions, as well as the variables that can influence that reaction, the study nevertheless revealed interesting data about the reaction time and the appropriate age of the driver.

According to the study, Volvo drivers have the best reflexes, with an average reaction time of 0.401 seconds. This time is equivalent to the skills of a 32-year-old, although the average age of Volvo drivers in the study is 45.

Next to the Volvo driver, Jaguar drivers had the fastest reaction time, and Suzuki drivers in third place with an average reaction time of 0.409 and 0.413 seconds, respectively. This is equal to the age of 33 years.

In fourth place on the list are Mitsubishi drivers with an average reaction time of 0.417 seconds, which is a figure associated with 34-year-olds. Behind them come Lexus drivers with a reaction time of 0.435 seconds and an average age of 36 years.

The top 10 is closed by the drivers of Renault (0.438 seconds and 36 years), Audi (0.442 and 36), BMW (0.443 and 37), Porsche (0.444 and 37) and Fiat (0.446 and 37).

On the other side are the drivers with the slowest reaction time: the poor position is occupied by the Mercedes drivers with an average reaction time of 0.527 seconds. That is, which is 2.4 percent slower than the reaction of the Volvo driver.

These reflexes correspond to a 45-year-old, although according to the study, the average age of the owner of this brand is 41 years. In the end, the weakest reflexes were shown by the Kia and Hyundai drivers with average reaction times of 0.496 seconds, the figure associated with the 42-year-old, and 0.481 seconds associated with the 41-year-old.

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