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Toyota On New Emission Requirements: ‘Must Be More Realistic’



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Toyota – like many other car manufacturers – has been critical of the proposed new emission requirements that should apply in the EU later this decade. It does not expect Euro 7 to be completely scrapped, but it does want it to be overhauled.

Numerous car manufacturers, including Volkswagen, Stellantis, and Mercedes-Benz, want the EU to return to the Euro 7 emissions rules as they are tentatively on the table for a few years. There is now even a group of countries within the EU that wants to stop Euro 7. Now a non-European car manufacturer is also making itself heard. Not just one, but the largest car manufacturer in the world, Toyota. That takes a critical standpoint but with a touch of nuance.

Matt Harrison, the CEO of Toyota’s European branch, speaks strongly about Euro 7: “I don’t think anyone benefits.” He argues that it makes no sense to charge car manufacturers to comply with this, while a strict target has already been set by the EU for 2035. In essence, therefore, the same criticism as others have given, namely that Euro 7 requires money and attention channeled into the EV transition. Harrison says he hopes that there will be a more pragmatic approach. He is not arguing for the complete scrapping of Euro 7 but for a ‘somewhat more realistic’ view.

What is Euro 7?

At Euro 7, the maximum NOx emission for every fuel car must be 60 mg, which is currently the strictest standard. The vehicle must also meet this standard for a longer period of time: 10 years and 200,000 kilometers. Euro 7 also looks at the particulate matter emissions caused by tires and brakes. The latter is not really a sore point for the critics, they are mainly concerned about the strict nitric oxide standard. Huge investments would be required to achieve it.
