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10 Golden Rules To Improve Road Safety – FIA



Everyday, 3500 lives are lost in road traffic crashes of which 500 are children. This is about 1.25 million people each year. Road traffic accident is also the number 1 cause of death among 15-29 year olds.

Despite all the deaths, 1 billion people still live in countries that have no standard safety conventions.

Hence FIA which is the worldwide governing body for motorsports is using its influence to preach on road safety.

10 Golden Rules


1. Obey speed limits

Speed is a major cause of fatal road accidents. A 5% reduction in average speed can result in a 30% decrease in number of fatal crashes. Slow down in high risk areas and school zones. Also keep a safe distance from other road users.


2. Never drink and drive

Any amount of alcohol increases the risk of involvement in a fatal road crash. Strictly enforcing the drink-driving law can reduce the number of road deaths by 20%. Use a taxi or public transport if you have to drink and look out for friends who may be drinking too.


3. Use a child safety seat

An astonishing number of parents allow their children to travel in vehicles without being properly restrained, placing their lives at risk. Child safety seats can reduce the likelihood of a fatal crash by up to 70% for infants. Ensure your children are restrained correctly and choose a safety seat based on a child’s height and weight.


4. Always pay attention

Whether you are a driver, pedestrian or cyclist, it is important that you stay focused on the road ahead of you. Good eyesight is essential as even a small loss of vision can affect your ability to read road signs and recognise objects. Pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists make up 49% of all road traffic deaths.


5. Buckle up

Wearing a seatbelt significantly decreases the risk of being thrown from the vehicle in the event of a crash. Wearing seatbelts is crucial for the safety of both drivers and passengers as it can reduce the risk of death by 45-50%. Wear your seatbelt correctly and ensure all other passengers does the same.


6. Don’t text and drive

A split second lapse in concentration can result in a fatal crash. Drivers are four times more likely to crash while on the phone. Keep both hands on the wheel and stay focused on the road.


7. Stop when you’re tired

1 in 10 drivers admitted to falling asleep at the wheel in a recent survey. Tiredness-related  collisions are three times more likely to be fatal. Take frequent breaks and if you start to feel sleepy, find a safe place to park.


8. Wear a helmet

Effective enforcement of motorcycle helmet laws will reduce head injuries. Wearing a motorcycle helmet correctly can reduce the risk of death by 40%. Ensure your helmet is the right size and provide helmets for your passengers.


9. Check your tyres

Tyres play a key role in vehicle safety as they are the part of a car that is most likely to contribute to a crash. If you drive with damaged or worn out tyres, you are putting your own life and the lives of others at risk. Maintain the correct tyre pressure and check the thread depth.


10. Stay bright

Pedestrians and cyclists are among the most vulnerable participants in traffic. Wear bright clothing or reflective clothing when required.

Make road safety a priority and don’t forget to share.


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