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Female Nigerian Professor Laments As She Now Spends N40K Every Week To Fuel Her Diesel Car



Female Nigerian Professor Laments As She Now Spends N40K Every Week To Fuel Her Diesel Car - autojosh

Female Nigerian professor, Professor Joy Ezeilo, says she now spends N40K per week to fuel her diesel car.

She says she buys 200 litres of diesel every month, which she said is 40 per cent of her N400k monthly salary.

Professor Joy Ezeilo lamented the impact of price hike on the standard of living of average Nigerian.

She added that World Bank’s prediction that millions of Nigerians would be driven to the poverty level is real.

Professor Joy Ezeilo, Dean Emeritus, Faculty of Law, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, has revealed she now spends at least N200,000 every month to fuel her diesel car, adding that this amounts to 40 per cent (40%) of her monthly salary.

In a Twitter thread on Wednesday, the former UN special rapporteur on human trafficking, lamented the impact of price hike on the standard of living of average Nigerian.

She tweeted :

“Which way is Nigeria headed? I bought 50 litres of diesel for my car at the cost of N40, 000 in Enugu. I’m wondering how we will all survive this hardship.”

“As a Law Professor that has reached the last step and stage in promotion at a Federal University, I’m paid about 400k per month after taxes so if I spend forty thousand conservatively for fuelling my car on a weekly basis that’s if I remain within my city times that by at least 200 litres per month, it means 40 per cent of my salary in fuelling.”

“What about other utilities, electricity, water, rent, food, children’s school fees, medical, phone and internet etc. Cooking gas is up by over 200 per cent? Do we resort to firewood?”

“World Bank’s prediction that millions of Nigerians would be driven to the poverty level is real. We’re in troubled waters with crippling inflation!”

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