Germany now has three eHighways stretching over 10-kilometres where trucks are being powered by power lines above.
The eHighways along new B 462, A1 and A5 Autobahn are currently be trialed as a solutions for electrified road freight transport.
This Siemens Mobility innovations features catenary overhead lines, which supplies hybrid trucks with electricity.
The hybrid trucks are fitted with a pantograph, which makes contact with the power lines above.
NPM recommends equipping 300-km of autobahns in Germany with overhead contact lines by 2023.
The body aims to electrify a total of 4,000 kilometers by 2030 to help Germany reach its climate target.
It’s being over 21 months since a 5 km (3.1 mi) eHighway test track was opened for trial services on the A5 Autobahn in Hessen, near Frankfurt in Germany.
This Siemens Mobility innovations features catenary overhead lines (in both directions) along the eHighway, which supplies five Scania R 450 hybrid trucks with electricity.
The trucks are fitted with a pantograph, which makes contact with the power lines above, allowing the vehicles to run completely on electricity with energy from the grid. The battery-packs can are charge during the trip.
And once the trucks turn off the eHighway, they can either drive on battery-packs or even run a small combustion engine to keep things moving.
“With all five trucks now in daily traffic along the five-kilometre electrified segment on the A5 motorway, data will be collected for several studies to examine the benefits of e-roads.”
The eHighway system is twice as efficient as conventional internal combustion engines. It also reduces local air pollution and contributes significantly to the decarbonization of the transport sector.
In addition to the A5 eHighway, pilot projects are running on the new B 462 federal highway and on the A1 federal autobahn between the Reinfeld junction and Lübeck interchange.
The National Platform for the Future of Mobility (NPM) recommends equipping 300 kilometers of autobahns in Germany with overhead contact lines by 2023.
The body aims to electrify a total of 4,000 kilometers by 2030 to help Germany reach its climate target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the transport sector by 40 percent.