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In The 1960s, New York Police Patrol The Tunnels In These Tiny Electric Cars



In The 1960s, New York Police Patrol The Tunnels In These Tiny Electric Cars - autojosh

In the 1960s, Port Authority cops in New York patrol the tunnels in these tiny electric, bi-directional cars.

These electric carts can be driven in either direction from a swivel seat inside the glass-enclosed cab.

Before being deployed, traffic problems were handled by six officers who had to walk on foot.

They utilizes a 240-V, three-horsepower electric motors to traverse tunnel at up to 12 mph in either direction.

The deployment of these catwalk carts allows the police department to cut that staff to just four.

The Port Authority cops in New York once had to patrol in and out of Holland and Lincoln tunnels in these tiny one-seat tiny electric cars to control traffic. Patrolmen were able to travel faster along the catwalk to regulate the flow of traffic through the Holland and Lincoln tunnels.

First tested in the Holland Tunnel under the Hudson River in 1954, these 1,300-pound catwalk cars were electric and bi-directional – i.e they can be driven in either direction, from a swivel seat inside the glass-enclosed cab.

Before being deployed, traffic problems were handled by six Port Authority Police Department officers, who had to walk the 2.5-foot-wide catwalk on foot.

These specially made carts utilizes a 240-V, three-horsepower electric motors to traverse the Holland Tunnel at up to 12 mph in either direction. Its deployment allows the police department to cut that staff to just four.

While the ones used to patrol Holland had a canopy and rides on rails, the ones used in nearby Lincoln tunnel had sheet-metal sides and were hooked to a rail affixed to the wall.

Due to its tiny cabinet, these patrol carts were not designed for plus-sized cops. These tunnel carts were used until 2011, when the last one was decommissioned.

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