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Mazda Plans To Launch 8 Electric Models With Toyota’s Support By 2030



The non-conformist Japanese manufacturer currently has only one electric model in its range, the Mazda MX-30. This is very poor for taking the sudden turn that will be imposed on all automobile brands.

The big boss of the Hiroshima firm, Masahiro Moro, has just confirmed that Mazda plans to have 7 or 8 electric models in its range in 2030 and that they will represent between 25 and 40% of sales by this horizon.

How to perform this magic trick since, in “automobile times,” 2030 is almost tomorrow? Cautiously, Mazda did not launch blindly into the 100% electric adventure, judging that demand was uncertain. And added, “Currently, the customer is looking for alternative solutions other than battery-electric vehicles.

Mazda’s future electric vehicles will be developed and sold through the new e-Mazda division and built on a scalable platform. The first of these new models is expected to be launched between 2025 and 2027. The future trendy range will initially focus on crossovers and will offer single- or dual-engine architectures.

Masahiro Moro did not give technical details about the batteries; however, Mazda already has partnerships with the companies Panasonic and Envision AESC Japan. Mazda has also operated a battery joint venture with Toyota and Panasonic since 2020 called Prime Planet Energy & Solutions (PPES).

Mazda will rely on Toyota’s expertise to reduce the investments required for its electric vehicles. Indeed, the electronic systems and automotive software developed alongside Toyota will be used in the brand’s electric vehicles from around 2026, and, according to Masahiro Moro, they will save 70 to 80% of total investment costs compared to if Mazda went it alone.
