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Pres. Biden Set To Replace Government Vehicles With EVs That Are Made In US And By Americans



Joe Biden Wants To Electrify Presidential Limousine After Test Driving Ford F-150 Lightning EV Truck - autojosh

US President Joe Biden announces plans to replace federal government vehicles with electric vehicles (EVs) that are made in US and by Americans.

Biden’s order didn’t specify whether the next armoured Cadillac presidential limousine, aka “The Beast,” will get electric powertrain.

President Joe Biden isn’t wasting any time to fulfill his campaign promises after the new leader of the United States signed the “Buy American” executive order which directs all government agencies to purchase products and other services from US workers and businesses.

Part of Biden’s order includes the replacement of gas-powered government vehicles with eco-friendly electric vehicles (EVs). And according to the President Biden, these electric vehicles must be built in the US and by American workers.


Biden said :

“The federal government also owns an enormous fleet of vehicles, which we’re going to replace with clean electric vehicles made right here in America, by American workers,”

According to Biden’s speech, electrifying the federal fleet will create jobs as the “the largest mobilization of public investment in procurement infrastructure and R&D since World War Two.”

President Biden set to replace Government vehicles with EVs that are made in US and by Americans

This move by Biden’s administration is surely a good news to United Auto Workers and America’s biggest automakers; specifically General Motors (GM) and Ford.

Both American automakers have committed to an all-electric future by invest billions of dollars in battery technologies and necessary infrastructure.

Still on replacing the federal fleet with electric vehicles…

President Biden’s order didn’t specify whether the next US-made armoured Cadillac presidential limousine, popularly known as “The Beast,” will also get an electric powertrain.

The bunker on wheels currently has a diesel-powered engine that drives the 18 feet long and 20,000 pounds armoured limousine.

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