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The Production Of The Volkswagen Beetle Ends Today



The production of the almighty Volkswagen Beetle ends today.

It is the end of the road for the Volkswagen Beetle. It is taking a bow after haven stayed for a very long while; since 1938. The Volkswagen Beetle was designed in 1925 by a 18 year old Hungarian student, Bela Barenyi.She is recognized for designing the basic foundations of this car.

This news isn’t much of a surprise because last year, Volkswagen announced its intent to end production of the car in 2019.

The Volkswagen Beetle got its start in Nazi Germany, and it played a role in the economic resurgence of Germany after World War II, and became a worldwide icon.

Nazi leader Adolf Hitler (1889 – 1945) inspects the new, Volkswagen ‘people’s car’ at the Fallersleben car factory, 27th May 1938.
