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Taliban Show Off Captured American-made Armored Vehicles Despite US Saying They Can’t Work Again



Taliban Show Off Captured American-made Armored Vehicles Despite US Saying They Can't Work Again - autojosh

Taliban show off dozens of captured American-made armored vehicles despite US claim that the aircrafts and vehicles left behind can’t work again.

The Taliban is now firmly in control of Afghanistan and its capital city, Kabul, a feat the new government was able to achieve in less than three weeks after the United State military forces started pulling out of the country.

On Wednesday, the Taliban showed off dozens of American-made armored vehicles along with newly seized weapons at victory celebrations in the southern Afghan city of Kandahar.


Several videos posted on social media shows the Taliban parade military hardwares left behind by both Afghan and US forces. The parade came a day after the withdrawal of the last American troops from Afghanistan.

During the military parade, a recently seized Black Hawk helicopter was also seen flying past the fighters and military vehicles like Humvees and armored SUVs — many of which appeared in near perfect condition.

The parade came a day after the US Central Command head General Kenneth McKenzie said 73 aircraft that were already at Hamid Karzai International Airport were “demilitarized” (or rendered useless) by US troops before wrapping up the two-week evacuation of the Taliban-controlled country.

“Those aircraft will never fly again… They’ll never be able to be operated by anyone”

“Most of them are non-mission capable to begin with. But certainly they’ll never be able to be flown again.”

The hundreds of military vehicles left behind by the American forces “will never be used again by anyone”


In all, the Pentagon left behind around 70 MRAP armored tactical vehicles — which can cost up to $1 million apiece — that it reportedly disabled before leaving and 27 Humvees.

The United States also left behind the anti-balistic C-RAM system — counter rocket, artillery, and mortar — that was used to protect theHamid Karzai International airport from rocket attacks.

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