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What Is The Best Way To Negotiate A Roundabout?



For vehicles and cyclists, roundabouts are designed to make intersections safer and more efficient.

However, driving through one can be quite stressful because some drivers fail to observe the following criteria when handling a roundabout.

How to negotiate a roundabout?

  1. When travelling straight, do not use your turn signals; instead, approach in the right lane, stay in that lane throughout the roundabout, and exit in the right lane.


2. When making a right turn, use your right turn signal and stay in the right lane as you approach the roundabout.


3. Before entering the roundabout, use your left turn signal and approach on the left lane. Until you exit the roundabout, stay in the left lane.


4. When making a U-turn, take the left lane and activate the left turn signal. Before leaving the roundabout, turn off the turn signal.


5. Finally, on the roundabout, yield to other vehicles, maintain a single lane as much as possible, keep moving, and avoid driving near to large/articulated vehicles.


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