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4 Tricks And Techniques Nigerian Mechanics Use To Extort You




Many Nigerian mechanics are either inexperienced or have just very little experience as regards their job. As a result, they always end up extorting more from their customers than they should. According to experienced car owners dealing with these guys, a significant percentage of car problems arise as a result of the mechanic’s fault.

The inexperienced car owners end up falling victims to such deceitful acts of these guys because they know nothing about cars. Sadly there’s not much we can do to educate car owners as regards what they can do when some car problems arise, but at the same time, we will try to explain some tricks and techniques auto mechanics use in cheating car owners.

Tricks Nigerian Mechanics Use In Extorting Money From Car Owners


  1. Trial and error Technique

As stated above, a reasonable number of Nigerian mechanics are inexperienced on their job. Working on 21st century automobiles demand an unprecedented level of training and skill. You cannot compare a 1999 or 2000 model car to a 2016, 2017 model. Most of them end up using the try and error technique to provide a solution for the automobile problem.


  1. Charging for unnecessary repairs

Because of their lack of experience and application of the try and error method, they all result to changing unnecessary car parts. Usually when a mechanic diagnoses a car problem and repairs it, the problem is still there in most cases, so they then re-diagnose it as a different problem. This is the application of the try and error method. Eventually, the mechanic fixes the problem but charges the customer for all the repairs including those damaged by his handwork.


  1. Misdiagnosing Non Defective parts

This is a very common trick they play mostly on ladies and inexperienced car owners. Because these guys know you are not familiar with your car parts, they end up requesting you to pay money for some non-defective parts. They’ll tell you stuffs like: “Your brakes need to be resurfaced, or your vehicle needs alignment and it will cost 15,000 Naira or more depending on how inexperienced the car owner is. So it’s very essential you try to know some basic things about your car so you don’t get swindled.


  1. Purchase of inferior parts

Nigerian mechanics are very fond of this habit. Even if you are a regular customer, they will still play this trick on you. When they discover there’s a problem with a damaged car part, they then charge you twice the amount the replacement will cost and still end up buying you a fake replacement parts. Once again, for someone who is inexperienced, it will be very difficult to know the difference between the two parts. If possible, I recommend you go with the mechanic to buy the part he’s buying to replace the damaged one.


Credit: Vanguard


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