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Auto Fun

5 Conditions You Should Never Drive In



drink and drive


Driving is fun for some people and they would rather drive themselves than get anyone else to do it for them. But there are some situations where you just have to leave the wheels for someone else. Let’s find out.

1.When You Are Approaching Delivery

This is for women of course. It’s safer to stay away from driving when you are close to your delivery period. You never know when it will come. Be safe.

2.When You Are Feeling Sleepy

Your destination is not as important as your life. Even though you feel its impossible to doze off while driving, it happens. Your eyes closed for as little as 3 seconds can cost you your life.

3.When You Are Depressed

I know you might be going through a lot, but please stay away from the wheels and let someone else take control because in a state of depression you can easily lose concentration; which might cause a collision, leading to a state of more confusion (I just rapped ?)… SMILE. Everything will be fine with you.

4.When You Have Issues With Your Heart

This includes other health issue like hypertension. Even if you think you can stay calm Danfo drivers might dish out madness unexpectedly.

5.When You Are Drunk

Errm do I really need to tell you this? Don’t drink and drive, don’t drink before driving, don’t drink while driving, don’t drink on top driving, don’t drink on top steering …wheeew I had to add all those variations for some stubborn people that will be misinterpreting the semantics.


Hope we learnt something, be safe.

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