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Teslas Create More Joy For Owners Than Any Other Brand – Study



Car brands that create the most joy for owners are a mix of new and old technologies.  Nevertheless, they have one thing in common: performance. teslas

These days, more than a few have outstanding performance. All of these factors can contribute to how much a person likes a car, and that is just part of 37 different metrics used by J.D. Power to compile its APEAL study.

Standing for Automotive Performance, Execution, and Layout, the cleverly crafted acronym indeed measures a vehicle’s appeal to its owners. And this year, Tesla is the most appealing of all.


Unofficially topping the list that was released Wednesday is Tesla, a company well-known for the performance of its all-electric, tech-savvy vehicles. The Silicon Valley automaker scored 896 out of 1,000 points — besting sports car brand Porsche, which received 881 points.

Porsche has topped the study 15 of the past 16 years, according to J.D. Power.

“The APEAL Study measures an owner’s emotional attachment to their new vehicle and in what areas that vehicle may not be delivering on all of the positive experiences that were hoped for,” explained Dave Sargent, J.D Power vice president of automotive quality.

“Understanding this is just as valuable to automakers as knowing about quality issues and owner acceptance of new technologies. The goal for automakers is to delight customers on all these dimensions. Some are better than others at doing this.”

With all the possible points added up, the study measures manufacturers on a 1,000-point scale. Automakers are grouped into different categories, but the overall scale remains the same so all brands can be compared apples-to-apples.

Technically speaking, Porsche is the best-of-the-best at 881, followed by Lincoln at 876, Cadillac at 874, Dodge at 872, and Ram at 871. Porsche, Lincoln, and Cadillac are all grouped in the Premium category, with Dodge and Ram listed in the mass-market category.

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