Driving safely is a complex and often demanding task most especially on the streets of Nigeria road even for an experienced senior drivers. Many driving situations offer limited choices, so sometimes deciding what action to take is simple and on this article we have listed 3 challenges Nigeria car owners face.
Below are 3 most faced challenges every typical Nigeria car owners face on daily basis and the how best to combact
One of the biggest issues when driving at night is reduced visibility. Your view is limited to the distance illuminated by your vehicle’s headlights, and you do not have the advantage of color and contrast that you have during the daytime. This is very common in Nigeria due to the unreliability of electricity.
Unfortunately this is quite unavoidable but the only suggested solution is to always ensure your head-lamp always in place and working fine before talking your precious car out at night.
A modern roundabout is small, compared to traffic circles and rotaries. Roundabouts have a raised entry “splitter” island that slows down or constrains speed just before entry, duplicating the curvature the driver will experience within the roundabout itself. Vehicles in the circular roadway have right of way. Some senior drivers find roundabouts to be a driving challenge. However in Nigeria is is a worst challenge due to how narrow most of our major roads are.
Unfortunately again there isn’t any visible solution to this.
Drivers of large trucks have very limited visibility and large blind areas around them, which means they might not be able to see you. Due to this, driving around large trucks can be a driving challenge and may be even more difficult in poor weather conditions. Averagely 100% of Nigeria drivers have one experience or the other with them on the road.
Totally overcoming these challenge on your path may be very unrealistic but however, the only things you should always do at such time is to just allow the truck to go and don’t think of overtaking. Don’t ever be side to side with a big truck.
Nigeria drivers or car owners are surely facing some other whole lots of challenges while on the road which are not even listed here. However, we will love to hear from you. Kindly put some of your faced-with challenges on the road below in the comment box.