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5 Mistakes You Should Carefully Avoid When Driving



driving mistakes

Driving a car is not always as easy as it seems to be. Most especially in an environment with no rigid driving rules and also has reckless road users in it.

When driving, concentration is very critical and can never be overemphasized. This implies that when driving you should neglect everything that can bring about major divided attention. Some things like using your mobile phone (especially typing messages), playing very loud music, sampling any waist you see on the road (especially big ones), heated up arguments and lots of it. All these will catalyze you into not paying the necessary attention you need while driving.

You also should not forget we are in an environment filled with several mad and lawless road users.

When you critically analyze the matter, our supposed law enforcement agencies that should be concerned about safety of road users are busy doing little or nothing. This is why your safety should be your priority. You have the obligation and duty to always keep yourself safe at all times. Keeping other road users safe is important as well.


Below are some of the 5 mistakes you should carefully avoid when driving.

1. Opening your car door without properly looking around:

This is a very common mistake people make most times. The mistake is opening your door without carefully looking around if something is approaching.

The mistake alone is not just done by the driver; other occupants in the car can be guilty of this.

Different Car Door Types You Need To Know

Before you open the door, make sure you properly look around. Check if someone is walking towards the door or if any bike is approaching.

It is also the duty of the driver to remind the passengers to look around before opening their doors.

2. Using the turn signal at the wrong time:

Some drivers have it as a habit of using their turn signal just when they approach where they want to turn to. This is very wrong and should be avoided. This is a very big problem for the car following and it can result to a collision.

If possible, actuate your turn signal when you are 50-100 meters from the place you want to turn to. This will send the proper message to every other car coming behind you to give way.

Ensure your turn signals are all functioning properly.


3. Abruptly cutting-in after overtaking:

There is much to overtaking most especially on a highway when cars are on high speed. It’s not just moving past a car; a lot are to be considered. You have to be calculative enough to ensure that you can make the overtaking once you start. What does this mean? Check for cars coming in the opposite direction; is the distance enough to accommodate the time you overtake?

You should also ensure you know the condition of your car before overtaking. Some cars are not very responsive even when you slam the throttle to the mat. So you have to consider all those things.

Overtaking Rules According to Nigeria Highway Code

Another crucial thing is getting back to your lane after overtaking. Some people are so quick to switch back to their lane regardless of the car they overtook being so close to them. After overtaking, give the car you overtook a reasonable amount of gap before going back to your lane. Failure to do this can land you where you wouldn’t like to be.


4. Driving with no side mirrors:

Your side mirrors are your third eye when driving. They are what you can use to know what is happening behind you. With them you can know the proper time to take certain decisions. Don’t make the mistake of driving without side mirrors. The center rear-view mirror isn’t enough; side mirrors will give you wider views of your back.

5: Driving without your seat belt:

Statistics have revealed that your chance of being injured in an accident and/or the severity of injury may be greatly reduced if you are wearing your seat belt. It is strongly recommended that the driver and all passengers buckle up every time they are on board.

Make sure you buckle up before starting that your journey. Stay safe

Take out time to read our post on How To Check If Your Seat Belts Are Properly Working.


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