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Open And Dirty Drainage: Beside Horrific Road Traffic, Lagos State Is Equally Notorious For This (PHOTOS)



Open And Dirty Drainage Systems In Lagos

The filthy condition of many streets in Lagos is attributable to the construction of open drainage system. For some residents, open drainages present an alternative to refuse dumps.  All these contribute to the notoriously unsanitary condition of Nigeria’s commercial capital.

The construction of exposed drainage systems in Lagos State is a culture that has been sustained over the decades. Even the very recently reconstructed Oshodi-Airport road features exposed drainage.

Sadly, these ubiquitous and uncomplimentary sights of open and dirty drainage system all over Lagos State greets leaves a lasting first impression to first-time visitors to Nigeria.

Lagos state is prone to flooding, and it is also a place that is supremely notorious for blocked drainage systems. The clogged drainage system is also the chief cause of flooding on many roads in the state when it rains.

The Ministry of the Environment through the Office of Drainage Services is responsible for the cleaning of the open and dirty drainage system in the state. Unarguably, this agency of the Lagos State government has failed terrifically in that responsibility.

Lagos State is home to about 22 million Nigerians.

