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Audi: Higher Costs For Electric Cars Will Last Longer



Audi Set To Offer 20 Electric Vehicles (EVs) By 2025, More Than Any Other Brand - autojosh

Car manufacturers hope to reduce the costs of electric cars as quickly as possible, but according to Audi, it is somewhat disappointing how quickly this is happening.

Electric cars are now even more expensive to purchase than their fuel equivalents, partly because production costs are also higher. Car manufacturers sometimes try to reduce that difference slightly by sacrificing the profit margin, but that is not yet enough to bring prices to the same level. According to Audi, it is somewhat disappointing how quickly the costs of EVs are falling.

In conversation with the German Handelsblatt, Audi CEO Gernot Döllner, who took office earlier this year, stated that cost parity ‘is taking longer than hoped’. “We originally expected it (equally large profit margins for EVs and fuel cars; ed.) by the middle of this decade. In light of current developments, this will probably be delayed.” Döllner is said to be referring to raw material costs. Audi hopes to turn the tide by saving on this with smaller and/or more efficient batteries without sacrificing driving range.
