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How To Safely Wear Seat Belt When Pregnant



It is paramount that all occupants of a car wear seat belt, including pregnant women. Some may say it’s not safe for a pregnant woman to be on seat belt. On the contrary, it is safer for a pregnant woman to be on seat belt. The pregnant woman just need to wear it the right way to avoid impact on the fetus.

Statistics have revealed that your chance of being injured in an accident and/or the severity of injury may be greatly reduced if you are wearing your seat belt. It is strongly recommended that the driver and all passengers buckle up every time they are on board. Using seat belts save lives and reduce impact in crashes.

See Also: 5 Reasons Why You Should Always Wear A Seatbelt

A guide on how to wear seat belt when pregnant

1. Always wear your seat belt even when in the back seat. The safest type of seat belt to wear is a lap and shoulder belt combination.

2. Place the lab belt below your belly; touching your thighs. Lift belly up, make sure lap belt is low and flat on top of thighs. Never wear the belt above or across your belly.

3. Pull upwards on shoulder belt to make lap belt snug.

4. Shoulder belt should lay between breasts.

5. Tilt steering wheel upwards if possible.

6. Keep vehicle seat as upright as possible. Reclining increases the chance of the lap belt pressing on the uterus in a crash.

7. If you are driving, make sure you keep your belly a safe distance away from the air bag. Slide front seat as far back as possible – to sit as far away from airbag.

8. Never place the shoulder belt under your arm or behind your back.

As you’re preparing for the arrival of your cute baby, read our post on:

