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Hydrogen-Powered Hilux Will Soon Be A Reality According To Toyota



Toyota Partners UK Firms To Develop Hydrogen-powered Hilux Prototype - autojosh

At the end of last year, Toyota introduced a hydrogen-powered Hilux, a Hilux that, as its name suggests, runs on hydrogen and has a fuel cell on board. This year, Toyota would send the first prototypes of the ‘hydrogen Hilux’ onto the road as part of a test project. The first Toyota Hilux with a fuel cell has now been produced.

The Toyota Hilux with this special drivetrain was developed together with a number of English companies, a consortium in which the British government is also involved. The Hilux ‘Hydrogen’ – or H2 – has three hydrogen tanks on board and, according to Toyota, it should be able to drive more than 600 kilometers on those full tanks before needing to be refueled. The battery that stores the electricity produced by the fuel cell under the hood is housed in the cargo box. The hydrogen tanks themselves are located at the bottom of the electrically powered pick-up. The space in the cabin therefore remains intact.

Toyota says it tests the prototypes ‘rigorously’ to guarantee the safety and functionality that it says it expects from a production model. The results of the pilot project will be evaluated in the coming months, after which a decision will be made on whether Toyota will put the car into production. If the car actually comes, it will be on the market somewhere between 2025 and 2030.

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