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Mercedes-Benz Conduct Interviews In A Speeding Car To See If You Can Work Under Pressure



mercedes benz interviews speeding car

Mercedes-Benz Conduct Interviews In A Speeding Car To See If You Can Work Under Pressure

You must have heard or read a lot about interviews. But we doubt if you’ve at any point, come across interviews conducted in a speeding car. Creating the picture of it in your imaginations is strange right?

Mercedes-Benz Lisbon Hub conducted interviews in a speeding car for candidates who had applied for the Speed Date interview with their CEO, Alexander Vaz.

Mercedes-Benz Lisbon Hub left the conventional interview we all know that is done in an official setting for something different. The interviews were carried out in a speeding Mercedes Benz C63 AMG, to know if they can work under pressure.

Once a candidate steps into the car, Vaz who’s the driver welcomes him/her into the Mercedes Benz C63 AMG office. He then asks how you’re doing. Once he gets a reply, he steps on the accelerator pedal to move the interview to the next level. One of the candidates  who’s a lady even said “It is my birthday, and I have a party tonight.” You could hear the fear in her voice.

Most of them couldn’t even coordinate themselves to answer the questions thrown at them due to the stunts pulled by the driver. The truth of the matter is that it’s not that easy to hold your fears except you have been an adrenaline junkie prior to this interview.
Even some people who normally speed fast while driving; put them in the passenger side and they’d start managing speedometer for you.

Do you think you will scale through in this type of interview?


Watch the video below;

When next someone tells you an interview can’t be held in a speeding car, send them the link to this post.

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