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1538 Nigerians Die In Road Accidents In Three Months – NBS




The road transport data (Q4 2018) report by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) data revealed that 2,532 road crashes occurred in the fourth quarter of 2018.

According to the statistics bureau, speed violation remained the major cause of road crashes in the period under review accounting for 52 per cent of the total road crashes reported.

After speed violation followed dangerous driving and wrongful overtaking. They both accounted for 9 per cent and 8 per cent of the total road crashes recorded respectively.

In the road crashes recorded, a total of 8406 Nigerians were injured according to the report.

“7,815 of the 8,406 Nigerians that got injured, representing 93% of the figure, are adults while the remaining 591 Nigerians, representing 7% of the figure are children. 6,194 male Nigerians, representing 74%, got injured in road crashes in Q4 while 2,212 female Nigerians, representing 26% got injured.

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“Similarly, a total of 1,538 Nigerians got killed in the road traffic crashes recorded in Q4 2018. 1,422 of the 1,538 Nigerians that got killed, representing 92% of the figure, are adults while the remaining 116 Nigerians, representing 8% of the figure are children. 1,209 male Nigerians, representing 79%, got killed in road crashes in Q4 while 329 female Nigerians, representing 21% got killed,” the NBS added.

The estimated vehicle population was further revealed by the bureau. As at Q4 2018, the total population was 11,826,033 with the total population estimate of the country puts at 198,000,000 as at 2018.

Doing the basic mathematics, Nigeria vehicle per population ratio is put 0.06.

Data on the category of vehicles involved in road crashes in Q4 2018 reflected that 60.18 per cent of vehicles were commercial (2,407), 38.30 per cent private (1,532), 1.50 per cent government (60) and the diplomat with one (1) vehicle involved.

According to the report, 185,883 national drivers licenses were produced in Q4 2018 with Lagos and FCT producing the highest number of drivers licenses while Zamfara and Kebbi states produced the least numbers of national drivers license.

