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Reasons Why You Need a Personal Driver



At some point, we all wish we could sit at the back of the car while we get driven to any location we so wish. Well, wishes do come true. You just have to do the right things right, and set priorities.

Let’s get back on track. This isn’t a motivational post!

Having a personal driver, to some, can be fun. Others who are in their early- and mid- 20s wouldn’t see the benefits of leaving the wheels for another. However, the truth remains that relinquishing the driving seat can help you do more and achieve more.

Note this; do not seek a personal driver when you don’t have the funds to manage such lifestyle. Other than money, below are some of the reasons why you need a personal driver.

  1. Get things done while you commute

For those living in congested cities like Lagos, transportation time takes a big chunk of their daily lives.

According to a 2016 report, Lagosians spend between a third and a quarter of their lives in traffic. That’s a big amount of time that can make a massive difference if well-utilised.

Consequently, you can use this time to plan your day, arrange some meetings, make or pick up some important calls, read the newspapers, surf the net, and more.

You wonder one of the secrets to Warren Buffett’s wealth? Simple: he spends 10 minutes in commute daily — 5 to, 5 fro.

  1. A Driver is more likely to know more directions than you do

You think Google Map solves it all? Not very much. This is a driver’s job. They drive to earn. You don’t. There are cities that have multi-connected road networks that become really difficult for anyone to understand.

A driver, on the other hand, would have travelled different directions and multiple networks. So, having one means you wouldn’t have to worry about the direction to Laura’s wedding.

The integration of a driver and Google Maps is bam!


  1. Feel like a boss

No, not a boss to the driver. You will feel like a boss when you arrive that party or that meeting with a client. This is one of the good perks of having someone drive you around the city.

  1. Focus on Important Things

This is quite different from the point mentioned in number one. Here, you don’t have to worry about engine oil and fuel. You can now free yourself from visiting the mechanic every now and then since you can assign that responsibility to the driver.

By doing this, you can exert more focus on your business and your family.


Having a personal driver can mean more fun, but it also means more funds leaving your account. Nonetheless, if you utilise the time it spares you, you can make more than that. Also, the fun you’ll have will be greater than the amount you spare.

