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Vehicle Routine Checks Before And After Driving



vehcile routine checks

Vehicle routine checks refer to the basic checks that should be conducted on a motor vehicle daily before and after use. You may not know the troubles and embarrassment  these routine checks can save you from if you cultivate the culture.

They are not hard and can be done in very few minutes. This few checks will also help you not to fall into the hands of FRSC stationed on road to ensure your safety and that of other road users.

Below are the Pre Vehicle Use Checks;

  • Check the water or coolant level in the radiator.
  • The level of engine oil using  your dipstick. Don’t estimate or assume.
  • Ensure the brake fluid level is up to the recommended level.
  • Make sure your power steering fluid is up to the prescribed level.
  • Leakages.
  • Check the tension of the fan belt.
  • Check the health of your car battery.
  • Ensure the headlight, the tail lights, the signal lights are working properly.
  • Ensure the wipers are in perfect condition especially during thee rainy season.
  • Check your horn. It should be working fine.
  • Check your tyre pressure. Should not be over-inflated or under-inflated.
  • The fuel level in your tank. Ensure you’re not possessed by ‘managing’ spirit so that lack of fuel don’t embarrass you.
  • Accessories. These include your car jack, wheel spanner, spare tyre, brake fluid, C-caution etc.


Post vehicle Use Checks;

  • Ensure all lights are off when you’re done driving and have parked your car.
  • Ensure you have properly locked your car before leaving it.
  • Ensure the accessories and vehicle parts are in place


