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Watch Tesla Model X Falcon Wing Doors Open And Close Easily In Tight Parking Spots



Watch Tesla Model X Falcon Wing Doors Open And Close Easily In Tight Parking Spots - autojosh

Tesla Model X Falcon Wing doors will open and close easily in tight parking spots, unlike traditional car doors.

It is equipped with ultra sensitive sensors that adjust based on surrounding obstacles from both the inside and outside.

The Tesla Model X Falcon wing doors are the most innovative car doors ever built, according to Twitter user, Teslaconomics, who showed off its usefulness in a very tight parking spots.

In a video shared by Teslaconomics, the door’s unique double-hinged system allows it to rise and arc perfectly without hitting a car parked too close to the Model X, making it ideal for those very tight parking spots.

“This is what the most innovative doors in the world do, it fits even through very tight spots, where other cars would just hit the other car next to it,” Teslaconomics wrote in its tweet.

Unlike than traditional car doors, these doors are equipped with ultra sensitive sensors that adjust based on surrounding obstacles from both the inside and outside.

Explaining how it would perform in a tight parking scenario, Teslaconomics wrote :

“You’ve just found the last parking spot in a crowded garage, but it’s super tight. As you park your Model X, you realize the cars on either side are alarmingly close.

“Conventional car doors would require you to inch them open, trying to slip out without nicking your neighbor’s car, an awkward dance & position many of us know too well.

“With Falcon Wing doors, this stress evaporates. When you click open, the doors first rise vertically, ensuring no sideways contact. As they detect the close proximity of the cars on either side, they modulate their outward arc to avoid any contact, giving you plenty of space to exit organically.”
